Planning made Easy
A Guide to Easy Planning
A Place to Record the Special Moments
A Space to Say Exactly what you want to say
There is no right or wrong way to use this journal, go in order, skip pages, do some pages more than once. The prompts at the top of each page are designed to help you think, process and let go.
As a teacher, I’ve learned how important it is to reflect, and how hard it is to find the time and space to do so. The prompts are help you clear your mind, reflect, and to quickly get your thoughts, feelings, and funny stories down onto the page.
” Writing is the act of motion. Writing is the commitment to move forward, not to stew in our own juices, to become whatever it is that we are becoming. Writing is both the boat and the wind in the sails. Even on the days when the winds of inspiration seem slight, there is some forward motion, some progress made. ” – Julia Camera, The Artist Way
Whose it for?
Teachers of all ages
Parents that homeschool
student teachers