Father’s day gift guide: 3 things not to buy dad this year

Things that you shouldn’t buy your dad this year for father’s day.

a mug that says #1 dad, anything that says #1 dad, another tie, or wallet.

Your dad works hard, and he’s aways there for you, he’s an all-around nice guy; beyond patient, thoughtful, and always willing to come to your aid. He always kept you dressed in the latest fashions, and when you called in desperation, telling him that you left your iphone on the trip that he paid for , he went out and bought you another.
My dad, always made sure that I had the oldest cell phone model possible, and it was only for emergencies, which basically meant, that:
1. something had to be seriously wrong
2. there couldn’t be a pay phone in walking distance. 
If there was a pay phone, then there was no reason to use my cell phone. Instead I was instructed to call 1-800-collect. When the operator came on the line and asked for me to state my name, instead of leaving my name, I was to say what I needed.
Recorded operator: Please state whose calling
Me: I need a ride home
Operator to my dad: will you accept this call?
Dad: NO
I then heard the dial tone, and was left assuming that someone in fact was coming to pick me up. Amazingly, this system worked well. I was always picked up, and my dad never had to pay for the collect call, or the cell phone bill.
Now despite what you might think from the above story, my dad is a great guy, which is why I won’t be buying him any #1 DAD items for Father’s day, perhaps instead I should offer to pay his cell phone bill. Or call him collect and leave a message to relive old times, that is if I can find a pay phone.

black and white woven cotton scarf for father's day

Back to your dad.

He already has all of the fishing gear that he needs, in fact he probably has more than he needs, plus he actually likes shopping for that kind of thing, so you don’t want to take away the fun, by buying it for him.

Instead get himself that he both wants and needs, but won’t buy for himself.

He’s a business man, he likes to look good for work, and going out to dinner with your mom and friends.

Get him a scarf.

Since opening the shop, man after man has walked through the door, and tried one of the scarves on. They’re thrilled to finally have some options, and ways to set their style apart from what every other guy in suit is wearing.
If you’re close by, stop by the shop and get one in person 154 N Prince St. If you far away, or are really busy, I’ve got you covered. Click and head to the Gentlemen’s scarf lounge.

The Gentlemen's club

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