What are you collecting?
I”m not a big fan of cleaning and organizing, but sometimes it has to be done.
I don’t call myself a collector, but the truth is that we are all a collector of something. It might be books, bills, or baseball cards.
Paintings, pictures, or pastry. But you’re collecting something. Take a moment, think about it, look around, what are you surrounded by? Is that what you want to be collecting?
As I look at what I have and what I hold dearly, it’s the pieces that hold a story, the items that mean something. That weren’t purchased simply because they were there and they were cheap. They are things that hold beauty, value, secrets, memories.
Emma is named after another one of my grandmother’s sisters, and she’s designed to be the perfect gift for a friend, family member, or a treat to yourself after knocking off one of your big, or small goals.
What are you collecting?