Everyday Armor

This time of year I find myself in a space of reflection. As I reflect on conversations, goals, and life, an underlying theme of confidence is emerging. Yesterday I had to make some phone calls that I wasn’t looking forward to, and was running a webinar, both of which make me nervous. Over the years I’ve noticed that one of the least likely reasons that I wear scarves is for their warmth. I instead make them and wear them for the many other benefits they bring, such as , comfort, security, and confidence.


They carry magical power, and are the perfect secret weapon to conquering the tough day ahead.

Friends and family would likely tell you that I’ve always displayed a level of confidence, it was just in me. However, 7 years ago when life changed from my being a student to an adult, the word confidence took on a new meaning, and was challenged on a daily basis, causing me to go on my own confidence-building journey. Though my journey I pushed myself to leave my comfort zone, and become clear on my beliefs, values, and vision for life.

And as I reflect, move forward, and teach, it seems that everything in life is connected to confidence.

You’re more likely to land that job if … you’re confident
You won’t settle for an “okay” relationship if … you’re confident
You’ll stand up to the bully and tell them to back off if … you’re confident
You’ll do that thing that you’ve always been afraid of if … you’re confident
You’ll speak up if … you’re confident
You’ll fight for the change that you know needs to happen if … you’re confident
You’ll walk away from the job that is slowly killing you to pursue the one you love if … you’re confident
You’ll make a bigger impact on the world if … you’re confident

I could keep writing this list for pages, but I think you get my point. Confidence is a game changer for both you and the world around you, and we need more of you to step into your confidence and step up towards your potential.


Tips for stepping into your confident self:

  1. When you’re afraid, stop and take the time to ask yourself what is it you are really afraid of? Ask yourself, “What is the worst case scenario?” Then go and do it.
  2. Practice sitting up straight and walking taller. This might seem strange, but give it try, you’ll feel better.
  3. Take small steps to leaving your comfort zone. The more you leave your comfort zone, the more confident you’ll become.
  4. Pay attention to what items in your closet make you feel good and look good, and wear them a lot. When I need an extra confidence boost I put on a pair of wedges, one of my one-of-a-kind scarves, and an awesome statement ring.
  5. Take time to reflect and understand your strengths and weaknesses, focus on the strengths. Often you try to be good at too many things, and it leaves you feeling like a failure. We’re not all good at everything, and that’s okay.
the professional

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