giant scarf


giant woven scarf by amber kane

I’ve been thinking… well more accurately speaking, dreaming of creating a giant scarf, or as some would call it, a blanket that I”m choosing to wear around my neck.

But as with anytime that we have a wonderful dream, there is this nagging logical voice that butts in.

cotton maxi scarf by amber kane

It was saying, but that’s going to cost a lot in materials… I decided I didn’t care

Whose going to purchase said giant, scarf/blanket…. not sure, but once again, I still need to do it

woven cotton scarf by amber kane

With great excitement I purchased a big cone of midnight black yarn, and then started preparing 4 yards of this luscious yarn to go on the loom. Yes I was putting 4 yards of yarn on the loom for one scarf, and it felt so wonderfully freeing. I used the entire $29.00 cone of yarn , and I didn’t care.

It was on the loom, it was extra wide, taking up almost the entire width of my 36″ loom. I had birthday gifts to finish, books to read, laundry to put away, and lesson plans to write, but I was set loose and nothing was going to pull my focus from creating the biggest scarf I had ever made.

With great excitement I mixed two colors of tencel yarn onto my bobbins, and then .. take a deep breath… exhale…. I started weaving.

woven cotton scarf by amber kane

The colors vibrated off of each other, they were singing the best song I ever heard, they were shining and I was floating. I pushed the peddle, with a little more gumption than usual I threw the shuttle to the other side, beat the yarn into place and did it again, and again, until all 4 wonderful yards were woven into fabric. And if that wasn’t good enough, I still got to unroll this fabric from the take up beam.

Pulling 4 yards of luscious fabric into my lap, it was so good, part of me wanted to roll it back on so that I could do it again.

Call it what you want, a scarf, blanket, throw, insanity. I call it a dream, a hug, a personal heater, a thing that you never want to take off, a cape, an adventure.

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