Surprising Transformation
Why don’t you become a realtor?
That’s what my husband asked me last week. This seemed like an odd question to me. He continued, you seem to love looking at houses.
He’s right, I do love looking at them, and dreaming about what they could become. I don’t like looking at any old house. I like looking at houses that are falling apart, that have been neglected and ignored, and then I like to figure out how to make them beautiful again.
As I walked from room to room of a 100 year old home, that’s been sitting empty for years, I started to dream, plan, and envision what once was, and what it could be. It was apparent that the realtor and I , though in the same home, were not seeing the same thing, we were looking at two different houses( much like when my husband and I look at homes, I see the potential, he sees the flaws, which is actually a good balance.)
What I learned most from my love affair with crumbling homes, is that in all that I do, my connection is the process, and my drive is to take something, make it beautiful, and create a welcoming and inspiring space.
I’m interested in the transformation.
Now, it may seem like I just compared you to a 100 year old home, but, before you smack me, I”m not. I”m also not saying that you ugly, you’re not.
That’s why I love textiles, they create fast and easy transformation.
– Throw a scarf on your table ( making it a table runner), and watch your table transform.
– Put a few great pillows in your living room, and watch your old couch take on a new life.
– Drape your favorite textile over a chair, bench, or coffee table, and WA LA… magic
– Add a great scarf to your outfit, and just like, you’re whole look is transformed.
Start your transformation