What’s your personality have to do with it?
This may come as a surprise, but I’m an introvert. According to Myers Briggs I”m an INFP .
INFPs always want to be invited to the party—even though the chances are they won’t show up. It’s true… I”m not much for showing up to parties where there are more than 4 people, especially if I don’t know ALL of them.
That’s why I’m not having a birthday party, where I invite everyone to my house, or a restaurant… really , I don’t know what to do in large groups of people. I suddenly become awkward, and don’t know how to start a conversation.
Then there is always the eating food on tiny plates, and drinking wine part. While I like food, tiny plates, and wine, I don’t know how to handle it in combination with no tables and lot of people. Then in an effort to look like I”m doing something, but not having to talk to new people, I keep refilling my tiny plate and drinking so instead I look like the crazy person that must not have eaten anything for the last 5 weeks.
Really, it just doesn’t go well. I’m going to spare you the scene, and instead, we’ll celebrate by my giving you a gift. That way we both win.
April 18th only, take 31% off EVERYTHING, in the shop. So go crazy, have fun, and fill up your shopping cart, like I fill up mini plates of food, at social events with more than 4 people.
Here’s you your code: fillupmyplate