1 gaurenteed way to cut your getting ready time in half

Since opening the gallery/ boutique in Lancaster, but still living in Mechanicsburg, I’ve been staying at my parents house a few nights a week to cut down on the commute.

My mom commented that she thought that my nightgown was cute, I said thank you, followed by, well it’s actually a dress.

She laughed, and was not at all surprised by this comment, as I’ve been known to not bother changing into pj’s and instead to simply sleep in my clothes.

As a child over the summer, I never wanted to take my bathing suit off. I never understood the point, as I spent the majority of my time at the pool, so in my mind, it made sense to sleep in my swim suit, so that I would be ready to go the next morning.

You may be thinking I’m a crazy person at this point, and that’s okay, I think that you’re crazy for changing your clothes five times a day. Really , it’s a concept that is lost on me.

My mom tired hard, actually I should say tries hard, as she still makes an attempt to understand why I would sleep in a dress, to convince me of the many benefits of having clothes that you wear to work, clothes for home, clothes for exercise, and clothes for sleeping. I’m sure that there are more categories that I’m missing.

I in turn believe that if it is not comfortable enough, and if I don’t love it enough to wear it for all of the above reasons, well then it does not get to go into my closet. Or more honestly it doesn’t get to lay in a pile on the floor in front of my closet. ( putting laundry away is not one of my strong points, and if my husband is reading this, he is nodding his head, and would tell you that that is an understatement)

All this to say that the new woven tops I’m making are super comfortable, so comfortable that you can wear it to bed, wake up in the morning, and be ready for your day. They’re also awesome for traveling.

Act now, as the tops are on sale ( as part of the launch party) for a limited time. Plus there is also a limited amount.

Did you pick your favorite top yet?

wearing boyfriend jeans with heels
Going to Market style
Ladies Bruch Style
Date night style
Vineyard/ Wine Tour Style
Golden Girl
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