What to wear to yoga

Digital printing and I have been flirting for about two years… a few weeks ago we started dating… and well I”m pretty sure that we just got married.

While I love weaving, I wanted to figure out a way to turn my textiles into more things, and digital printing does just that.

amber kane leggings

Last year I made an awesome scarf.. well I made more than one awesome scarf, but one that was really freakin spectacular, but it took me forever. It wasn’t something that I could do a lot of, but I just need more of that amazing fabric. I scanned the fabric, not knowing what I was going to do with it, but because I felt like I needed to.

Two weeks ago, I pulled up that scan, and turned it into leggings. I”m so excited about them that it’s likely that I’m not even going to take them off when I go to bed. ( I’m not kidding)

Don’t worry, I made a pair for you too! 

amber kane leggings


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