It’s not always easy
It’s not always easy.
A dear friend ordered a scarf, requested bright colors, at the time this seemed simple, when I sat down at the loom it quickly became a different story.
I don’t often work with light colors, and I was beginning to see why, I”m not particularly comfortable with them.
But I was determined… so I made a scarf… I hated it… made another… hated it a little less.. made another disliked it… made another… started to like it… made one more… loved it….
Yes I made 5 scarves
It was HARD
It was downright painful, for the first 3.
Let me let you in on a secret. They look effortless because I don’t show you the ones that I wrestled with, got tangled in, and yelled at. ( that happens sometimes) .
The lesson
Just because it looks easy doesn’t mean that it is… you just aren’t seeing all of the mistakes. ( click to tweet)
It’s easy to get wrapped up in comparing yourself to others… I do it too…. but you’re comparing your mistakes to their successes. So I”m here to tell you, we all have piles of mistakes, we’re just not sharing them. So go easy on yourself… you’re not that far behind. Stop comparing yourself to others, and look at the growth within yourself.