Reminders that you are strong
While running errands I was talking to my mom on the phone, and shared that my brother had emailed me asking how to go about getting illustrations for a children’s book that he’s working on.
She jokingly said, why don’t you do it. I expressed that I don’t know any time, and she said, well maybe later. I laughed and said you know that I always just come up with new ideas, and rarely have free time.
While there’s nothing wrong with having a lot of ideas and going after them. We’re often bad at stopping and celebrating the steps along the way. Instead we just keep moving onto the next idea or the next project.
I was also reminded of this by my students. They asked is true that Emily Osment has one of your scarves, I replied yes. They asked if anyone else famous had one of my scarves, once again I replied yes. They seemed confused. “Why aren’t you super excited, that’s amazing,aren’t you crazy proud of yourself.” With a bit of shame, I said I guess not, I always come up with new goals and new standards, I’m pretty hard on myself.
Honestly I hadn’t thought that, until I heard myself saying it out loud.
We need to take the time to celebrate the good in life, and the milestones big or small. Catherine Just shared that she has a few “power pieces.” Meaning when something big happens she buys something to remind her of that moment. She has several cool rings that when she wears them and looks at them she is reminded of the great moments that have happened along the way.
You and, I need to do the same. When you hit a goal or an accomplishment , take time to celebrate, to acknowledge what you achieved, don’t just make a new bigger goal.
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