Are you a super hero?

One of a kind scarf

Are you making room for the magic?  (tweet)

The last two weeks have felt like pure magic. Sure there were tears, but also laughter, dancing, spinning in circles until I was too dizzy to stand. ( I wanted to see the fabric move)

As I closed the trunk door, and checked the last item off the list, it seemed time to acknowledge the magic, thank it for stopping by and ask it to stay.

I look back at the amount of scarves that were produced over the last two weeks. And the thing is, they’re magical because there is no way that I pulled off making 20 scarves on top of everything else by myself.

Each night I’ve been praying for good dreams, asking that I remember them, embrace them, and make room for them in my life.

In the morning I pray that I won’t be afraid of my dreams, that I’ll be willing to step into them.

The thing is, God/ the universe/ whatever you believe in that is bigger than yourself, dreams way bigger than we do. And we miss those dreams because we’re too focused on the to do list, the job that we hate, or just making it through another day.

Life is magical , that doesn’t mean that it won’t be hard. (click to tweet) I cried more these last two weeks than I usually do months on end, and that’s okay, it can be painful to make room for the new growth.

Are you open to magic in your life?

Watch to get ideas on how to wear your “superhero cape”

how to wear a scarf kane 4 from amber kane on Vimeo.



P.S. one day I really didn’t want to get out of bed. I was sad, and just wanted to give into the sadness. And it’s okay to give in, but I was starting to get swallowed. I pulled myself out of bed, pulled some clothes on, threw one of my favorite scarves over my shoulders and went for a walk. I feel magical when I put a scarf on, it’s my super hero cape, and that’s why I made one for you. The world needs more superhero’s, so go and pick out your “cape” and start saving the world.

super hero cape

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