What are you Worth
To all of the creative folks out there, you may try to find your way out of answering this question, but if you’re trying to sell your work, you’re answering this question.
What are you worth?
The prices that makers put on their products tell a message about the product, but they also tell a message about the maker.
Do you value yourself and your time?
Do you believe in your worth?
Do you believe that what you create has value in the world?
It can be hard to charge top dollar prices for your products, as you raise your prices often the fear follows. Fear that you’ll lose sales, that your friends and family will question what you’re doing, and that you’ll have to endure comments like, “ you want how much for that?”
But part of raising prices, is a way of raising awareness and educating those around you of what you are worth, and what they value.
For example when I was charging $75.00 for my scarves I wasn’t really valuing my time or my talents, in fact I was barely paying myself.
The message that this price was sending :
1. that my time was worth nothing
2. that I was afraid
3. That I wanted to blend in with all of the other woven scarf makers
Recently I raised my prices to more of the $200-$300 range. This wasn’t easy, but it had to be done.
The message that these prices send:
1. I value my time
2. I’m smart and talented
3. I’m telling everyone that there is something drastically different about my work, they aren’t just plain old woven scarves.
And the truth is, I feel much better. Did some people stop buying my work, sure, but that’s okay, because other people started buying my work. I sent a different message, they got it.
The prices that you charge, the money that you make, it’s more than money, it’s a message. What are you telling people? ( click to tweet)
“The Declaration of You, published by North Light Craft Books and available now, gives readers all the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You’s BlogLovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 200 other creative bloggers. Learn more — and join us! — by clicking here.”