Why I hate Shopping
I know that there are some people out there that just love to go shopping, I”m not one of them. ( unless it’s for yarn)
Truly one store is my max. A few months ago I went to Kohles to buy a belt. I really needed one, as the only on that I had was broken. I walked through the doors, saw a long line of people, and turned around and left. I didn’t even go to another store, I went home.
While I don’t love shopping, I do love getting packages. This week I redid my packaging and now I”m super excited to put one or ten of them in the mail and deliver it to your door.
I renamed the Spring collection to the Connected Collection because as I looked at these pieces and spoke with people who bought them, I realized that they are good for much more than just Spring.
There are a few left and these are my top 3 Choices: Marie , Nadia, and Claire .
I’ve also been busy working on the Miriam Collection, they’ll start showing up in the shop June 26th, what would have been my grandmother’s 93rd birthday, and the official launch will be the following week. Can’t wait to see what you want me to send you.
P.S. July 27-28 I’ll be in Wilmington DE, at the Chase Center doing the Pa Guild Show. If you’re interested and want some discounted tickets, hit reply, and I can some for you.