Find the beauty among the Trash

Amber Kane Scarves

The Story Behind the photos:

Most of the time I take my own photos, however it can be challenging to get awesome photos when you’re the maker, the model, and the photographer. Jake McClellan, a former student, has always taken photos that take my breath away. I love to come up with ways to give my students real life applications of what they are learning, so what better than to do a photo session.

Jake knew about this amazing old house. The lighting in the space was perfect. Yes we had to crawl around in a bit of trash, and there were parts that smelled like death, but it was totally worth it to get these great images.

Amber Kane one of a kind ScarvesAmber Kane ScarvesAmber Kane ScarvesAmber Kane scarves

I love these photos for so many reasons. The main one being that they capture the mission behind my brand. My goal is to make scarves that are so beautiful that you can put them on with anything, wear them anywhere, and still look good. Among piles of trash, and falling a down home, there is beauty.



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