Looking Back as you Move Forward
I was having one of those days, where I was feeling down on myself. Feeling like my business hadn’t grown enough, like I wasn’t doing enough work, and really any other negative thought that wanted to come my way. We all have these moments, but in these moments we need to find a way to get perspective, and to move forward.
I decided to go back to my first website, and look to some of my first posts, and “wow” , what an amazing visual reminder of how much I have grown and learned. Not only are my scarf designs more unique and well designed, but my photos and writing are so much better as well.
I”m almost embarassed to show these, but I’m willing to share to help you take a leap forward. These are some of my very early on photos… I’m not even sharing my writing , you’ll have do some searching yourself 😉
To This
So instead of feeling bad about myself, I instead took some time to write down my accomplishments. It can be easy to forget where we came from, and only focus on what we have yet to achieve.
Take a few moments, look back , reflect on where you started and where you are now. Write down at least three things that you’ve accomplished in the last few months, you may surprise yourself.