10 Killer Books that will change your Life
I arrived home from work, went to get the mail and there were 3 packages, eagerly I scooped them up, checked which ones were mine, and tore them open.Somehow my husband can leave a package unopened for days. As we were discussing packages it come up that I seem to be on a booking buying binge.
Two weeks ago I was thinking that I wanted to read, but just didn’t know what. Well the universe must have heard me, because good books seemed to be popping up everywhere.
” Creativity moves through different phases. Trying to produce a finished version in one move is usually impossible. Not understanding this can make people think that they are not creative at all.” Click to tweet ( Out of Minds, by Ken Robinson)
Here are the books that I”m currently loving:
1. Do the Work by Stephen Pressfield
2. War of Art by Stephen Pressfield
3. Fascinate by Sally Hogshead
4. The Element by Ken Robinson
5. Out of our Minds by Ken Robinson
6. The Desire Map: Danielle LaPorte
7. Starting with Why: Simon Sinek
8. A return to love Marianne Williamson
9. The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles : Marianne Williamson
10. The Art of Earning: Tara Gentile
What is on your reading list?