Weaver Phyllis Koster: What the life of an Artist looks like

Phyllis and I sat down to talk about how she fell in love the process of weaving, and how she turned it into her lifetime career. Phyllis was introduced to weaving when she was 12 years old, she always knew that she wanted to be making things.
Phyllis gave some awesome adviceĀ if you want to be an artist for your career. ” Look at the whole picture and determine what type of lifestyle you want. ” If you decide that being an artist is important to you, then you may ( or may not) have to let go of having a new fancy car, or a huge house.
Questions to ask yourself?
What are you priorities in life?
What is your personality?
Are you happy being alone for hours on end?
Phyllis and her husband own a gallery where they show their work as well as the work of other local artist. Visit Weavings Ink Gallery