March theme: Creative Business Interviews
In order to move my business forward and keep myself focused I’ve decided to a have theme for each month. During that month, I’ll still work on other business related things, but will put a major focus on push on my theme. I’m one of those people that has so many ideas, and plans, that I need some kind of structure to ensure that I follow through and move forward. And thus far, having a focused theme for each month is helping to organize my thoughts, and ensures that I will have put major focus into 12 different aspects of my business throughout the year of 2013. For the month of Feb, my theme was workshops, so I worked hard to writing workshop descriptions, choosing dates, locations, and getting things lined up for the next few months.
For month I”m putting my energy into setting up and doing skype interviews with creative business owners. I’ve wanted to do this for awhile and finally just decided to go for it. When starting out there is so much to learn, and these interviews are a way to help educate one another.
Also as a high school teacher, there are so many job options that students have never heard of, or have no idea how to get into doing them. My goal through these interviews is to create a wealth of knowledge and sources for people of all ages that you looking to start their own business following their dreams and passions. I will be doing these interviews throughout the year, but during the month of March my goal is get interviews scheduled, create a list of 50 people that I want to interview, and put together interview questions.