The Black scarf that every women needs
I’m not sure what my issue has been the last few mornings, but it’s been taking me forever to get dressed. I keep putting something on, changing my mind, and then choosing something else until their’s a pile of clothes on my bed.
I look at the clock, see that I few minutes left before I need to head to work, so I settle with what I have on and decide to make the outfit work with a scarf.
Perhaps you’re having the same issues in the morning. I’ve found the secret solution is a black scarf, as it goes with everything and pulls the outfit together.
This part of the story is a bit embarrassing, but I’m sure that you’ll be able to relate.
The sun hadn’t come up yet, our house was 60 degrees, and while I didn’t want to , it was time to emerge from the warmth and comfort of bed. I slipped into my big warm robe, and realized that I couldn’t find the tie to keep it shut. ( remember , I was cold, tired, and didn’t have my coffee yet) In desperation, I grabbed a pair of leggings that were laying on the floor… tied them around my waste holding my robe closed…and marched downstairs.
Midway through packing my lunch my husband looked over at me, cracking up, and asked what I was wearing. At this moment I looked down and realized how I looked, but decided that I didn’t care, at least it gave us a good laugh.
My point is, that no matter who you are, how many clothes you have in your closet, or how good or bad you are at putting outfits together, we all have those days where nothing is working, and something needs to come to rescue.