Tips on what you need to know when applying to a Craft show
When I first starting doing craft shows, I really didn’t know what I was doing, I dove in headfirst and decided that I would figure it out along the way, which I did. However, it’s always nice if you don’t have to take this method and can garner some advice from people that have experience.
Today I chatted with Nick from the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsman to get a different perspective on shows. Nick is more of the behind the scenes guy, working through the applications, doing the floor layout, promoting, and then seeing all of the artists work set up and ready to go.
A few things that are important to take away from this interview, and that I simply found interesting are:
1. If you’re applying to a show, and don’t have a booth shot, the guild recommends that you set up one wall and take a photo. When you’re setting up this wall be sure that you are putting a group of work together that looks good. If applying for a different show, I would recommend talking to them and asking what they find acceptable if you don’t have a booth shot. I know that the Buyers Market accepts sketches as well.
2. When submitting product images, choose 4 images that look good together, not just 4 random images of your work. One of the main reasons, is because the juriers see your work flash up on a screen 4 at a time.
3. The juriors see your work for a length of 20-35 secs
4. In the guild shows, no craft can represent more than 20% of the show
Now watch the interview, because there is a lot more great information to take away.
To help you get started I created a free download that gives you access to the following:
– my packing checklist for shows
– what I use for my booth and where I bought it
– Things that I’ve tried and didn’t like
– where I get my printing done
– and a few other tips bits of craft show wisdom
Simply fill out the form below, and you’ll get an email with your FREE download